Automatic Watering

Installed an irrigation system at the garden this weekend. Also got our kitchen knives sharpened, went antiquing, and visited Boulder’s new art installation Wonder Wonder which includes an adult sized ball pit.  

Radish Festival & a Late Planting

After some May snow storms, we finally had a nice day and were able to plant! Here’s what we got in the ground: Early Girl Tomato Yellow Pear Tomato Royal Burgundy Beans (seed) Bhut jolokia (Ghost Pepper) Thai Chilis Purple Basil Genovese(?) Basil Tricolor Sage Rosemary Flat-Leaf Parsley I also got those black nasturtium seeds in…

Greens in the Ground!

We got our greens in the ground on Saturday, April 20th. Same varieties as last year. Also found a black nasturtium variety that we’ll plant after the frost danger. We’re going for a simpler garden this year since I’m busy with school and we need to start our irrigation system from scratch (and we’re getting…

Black Sunflowers, Ghost Peppers & a Cast Iron Apple Pie

  I’ve got some goth gardening going on with the above black sunflowers and plum/lemon bicolor sunflowers that I tried out this year. I think the one on the right looks like an eye? They’re both big hits with the bees and stand about 4 feet tall. The “black” sunflowers are a dark maroon when…

Fall Squash, Apple Picking, & Stuffed Zucchini

  Buttercup baby and hail-damaged but still kicking butternut Fall is almost certainly on its way between the nearly ready to pick butternut and ever maturing buttercup squash, the Brussels sprouts continuing to develop, and the end of zucchini season. As a lover of cool seasons, I am excited! The garden still has a couple…

Garlicky Gazpacho and Baby Brussels Sprouts

The garden is looking good – lots of san marzanos and yellow pear tomatoes, little sprouts are sprouting on the Brussels sprout stalks(!!), and all of the cool different color sunflowers are opening up. I’ve started pruning some of the lowest leaves off of the sprout stalks, cutting as close to the stem as possible….

A First Ripe Yellow Watermelon!

A beautiful yellow watermelon is finally ready! I took Adam’s grandma’s advice and knocked on the outside, listening for a hollow sound. It sounded distinctly hollow yesterday so we cut it off and brought it home. It practically cut itself once I inserted the knife, splitting right in half like it was under pressure. Not…

Baby Butternut and a San Marzano, Kale, & Chard Pizza

We have our first ripe san marzanos and turned them into a delicious and super easy greens-covered pizza the other night! I love these tomatos with their plum tomato shape and saucy, melty texture when baked. Once I have a few more I’ll roast them and make a big batch of tomato sauce. I also…

Watermelon Babies and Bug-Eaten Kale

A little of the good and a little of the bad. We just returned from a nearly two week trip to New England and the watermelon plant has two babies growing, the buttercup squash came up, the tomatoes look ready to ripen, the butternut squash is thriving, and the beans are poised to come in any…

Garden Update: Baby Plant Cuties and Sautéing some Purslane

Everything in the garden seems to be thriving! We added what I think (???) will be the last planting, a couple buttercup squash seeds that will grow vertically next to the watermelon. In the image below from the front left we have kale, Swiss chard, more kale, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. There’s a large sunflower…